Spring Retreat
  • LSF students met in Yosemite National Park from May 21-23 for a weekend of hiking, devotions, and study.  The eleven person group spent time getting to know fellow college-aged Lutherans, hiking up 2,700 feet to the snowy view of Upper Yosemite Falls, and enjoying the spectacular scenery our God created.  With devotions led by Vicar Dodgers and a Bible Study on "Obstacles in Reading the Bible" by Vicar Preus, the weekend was complete with Christ as the foundation for our gathering.
Bodega Bay Retreat!
  • We met in a house just a short walk from the ocean!  Students from Stanford, UC- Berkley, Chico State, City College of SF, and San Francisco State attended the event. Our topic was Lutheran worship.  The pastors and vicars taught sessions on worship as liturgy, as confession, in the devotional life, through hymnody, and in sacramental unity.  With free time to walk around on the beach, get to know others, and take in the scenic area, it was an edifying and enjoyable retreat!  Join us for our next one!
Our group enjoys sharing weekends of fellowship and study,
typically once in the Fall and once in the Spring:
Winter Retreat!
  • LSF students met January 15-18 for an annual ski retreat at Sierra Summit Ski Resort near Shaver Lake, CA. We stayed in a cabin in Shaver Lake and enjoyed the weekend getting to know others with delicious food, Christian fellowship, and (of course) skiing.  Vicar Preus led a Bible Study on Baptism while Vicar Dodgers led morning and evening devotions.  A great time was had by all!
Trinity Lutheran Church
Stanford Campus Ministry
Lutheran Student Fellowship / Christ on Campus