The Enduring Witness of C.S. Lewis
Hosted by the Lutheran Student Fellowship at Stanford
January 27-29 – Stanford University, Building 420 in the Main Quad area, Room 40
Examining the life and work of C. S. Lewis,
author of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Friday, January 27, 7:00 P.M.
“C.S. Lewis: Scholar, Christian & Apologist”
C. S. Lewis (author of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters and dozens of other books) was one of the most important Christian apologists of the 20th century, an influential author, and a respected scholar. This session will introduce Lewis, his life, faith and career.
Saturday, January 28, 9:30 A.M.
“A Logical Faith”
The Christian message is grounded in history, and its claims stand up to investigation and scrutiny. This session will examine C. S. Lewis’s defense of Christianity through books like Mere Christianity, Miracles, and The Problem of Pain.
[Sack lunches will be provided. R.S.V.P. via email or phone to reserve a lunch.]
Saturday, January 28, 1:00 P.M.
“Fictional Books and a Non-Fictional Christ”
Through books like The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and many others, C. S. Lewis presented engaging literature that has multiple levels of meaning. This session will consider his fiction and its message, including its presentation in the recent Narnia movie.
Sunday, January 29, 9:45 A.M.
“C.S. Lewis through Lutheran Eyes”
An overview of the life, work, and message of C.S. Lewis, author of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. (At Trinity Lutheran Church on Middlefield Rd.)
Presenting the Revd. Dr. Steven Mueller of Concordia University – Irvine, author of Christ in the Writings of C. S. Lewis: Not a Tame God.
Student contact: Nellie Olsen (LSF at Stanford president for 2005-2006 school year)